By Michael Mondesir

We've all heard it by now.

"Man, It's truly democratic!"
"We can make money with NO EFFORT AT ALL using this! We can change the WORLD!"

The enthusiastic cry of the Internet community regarding the phenomenon known as Web 2.0, the medium by which the humble Internet user can interact with the wider world...

And even profit from it!

There are quite a few long-winded definitions of Web 2.0 around. I've got a shorter one.



That's it.

It comes in many forms but the key is whether you can interact with the site and, indeed, other users of the site.

I guess you really want to know two things:

Should You Believe The Hype?

I believe it was the great philosopher, Anon, who said " I think hype is overrated ".

Hype aside, Web 2.0 holds a lot of promise. Never before have we been able to contact people from the past and bring them back into the fold, while meeting new people we could not have met previously without taking a plane somewhere.

Share pictures and even videos of ourselves in funny or embarrassing situations. If you like that sort of thing.

It allows us to build multiple communities of friends and place them in different " compartments " of our lives. Socialising, hobbies, dating, music, you name it.


But there is a downside.

You could very easily fritter your life away on these sites. Many people spend hours checking how many "friends" they have or writing on someone's "wall", which is all great fun but at the end of it, you're exhausted.

Plus, the only people making money are the site creators, who either sell the site to a multinational, or they keep it and rake it in on advertising.
Not my idea of a good use of my time.

How Can You Profit From Web 2.0?

First a disclaimer. Anyone who thinks they can make money ANYWHERE with no effort, is delusional and will stay poor. That said, those prepared to WORK can get quality, targeted traffic with this.

Join a few of the social networking sites, one at a time. Navigate the site, Check the popular profiles and set yours up in a similar way. Invite people to join you and soon, you'll have targeted traffic built around you.

Now, don't force any sales messages onto people. Build trust with them and show that you're a genuine person. Leave hints about your product around your site. Post bulletins with subtle messages. Write a blog about your work. There will be interest if you've done this right.

Use youtube and other video sites to promote your message and build your personal brand by uploading short, attention grabbing clips. Again, look at the popular ones for ideas but don't plagiarise, obviously. Your integrity is everything, online and in life.

Ultimately, you have a choice. You can use Web 2.0 to waste time or to save your business life.

You can get "How To Increase Targeted Traffic To Your Web Site In Just 5 Days" , your free 5-part mini course here: