Buy Website Content and Increase Your Website Traffic

By Candice Pardue

As a Web business owner, you're probably anxious to see how many of your website visitors will actually become paying customers. But you face the same problem as all other online businesses. You need lots of traffic before you can test your presentations. How do you get traffic? One proven method that thousands of businesses are already using with tremendous results is buying website content.

Explain "Buy Website Content"

To buy website content means to buy well-written articles that will target your audience and attract free search engine traffic through search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, etc. Like most other websites, yours will probably rely greatly on free search engine traffic to build your business. After all, there's nothing like bringing in targeted visitors who were already diligently searching for your products or services... and receiving these visitors free of charge! These surfers are often ready and willing to buy if you have what they're seeking.

When you buy website content, you're not only buying articles that relate to your business, but you're building your image in the eyes of your customers, other related websites, and the search engines. You see, search engine robots use certain algorithms to determine which website is the most relative to different subjects. These algorithms include, but are not limited to, keywords within your website content, images and link text, website content keywords and relevance, links to your website from other related website, and your overall Web presence.

Buy Website Content that Lasts

Besides looking at only how much website content your pages contain, the search engines also look at the quality of your content. They consider how many other websites might contain the same exact content as yours. This is why you shouldn't rely completely on free articles that are provided through article directories. These can be useful at times, but they can also hurt your ranking in the search engines if you're not careful.

Uniqueness is important because you are building your site up as an authority on subjects related to your business. The more unique content articles on your website, the better chances you'll have of reaching top results in the search engines.

Completely Unique versus Almost Unique Website Content

There's a trend online today to buy complete rights to content articles when buying website content. This means you (the buyer) can go on a website or contact a content writer and ask the writer to write an article only for you. The writer will never sell the article again, and you'll have a completely new, unique article.

Unfortunately, this trend is exhausting many writers. Writers have to write something new every time, and the articles can become bland if you use the same writer for all your content. On the other hand, using multiple writers can also be a hassle because you will be working with several people instead of one.

Another trend, however, is to pay a slightly lower price for your articles and allow the writer to keep rights to the articles. This allows the writer to sell the articles to others, and provides quality articles for your website. The writer doesn't get frustrated with having to write brand new ideas all the time, and you still receive high quality writing.

Unlike free article directories, buying usage rights ensures that your article will not likely appear on thousands of websites. Just be sure the writer doesn't intend to place the article on free directories later, but that the writer agrees to only sell the usage of the article. You will still have a great article that thousands of others won't have, but the writer and you benefit from this type of relationship.

Create a Content Strategy

Before contacting a writer, create a strategy to buy website content. Decide what types of content articles are likely to bring targeted traffic. Set a budget for buying website content.

Then, create a list of topics and decide how many articles you would like to add to your site on a weekly basis. Do you want to add one article per week, or five articles per week? Consider how much time you'll have to spend on adding articles to your website, and also give the writer enough time to write quality articles in between. Quality content will bring long-term benefits for your website.

Content Buying Tip: If your website is about bicycling or sells bikes and bike parts, you should consider buying articles about bicycling tips, bike safety, biking with family, biking for exercise, biking with kids, biking gear, bicycle mechanic tips, bicycle repair, bicycle trips and excursions, etc. Think of anything that your target audience might want to read.

When you buy website content, you're getting much more than an article for your website, you're getting years' worth of free advertising through the search engines!

Candice Pardue, owner of, is a Web writer and offers pre-written articles for Web SEO content.