Using Twitter As a Traffic Generation Tool

By Karen L. Brooks

Do you understand how to utilize Web 2.0 to promote your business? Most of us are experimenting and not sure just how we are going to use these tools to drive sales in our organizations.

Twitter is one of the tools that can quickly help you to focus on your strategy to promote your business online, quickly!!

It's easy! Just answer the one question....What are you doing now? The catch, you only have 140 characters or less, to accomplish your mission. The good news is that you need to give the basic information, and not take them into "information overload". All you need is a quick sentence to tell people about the latest development in your business or posting on your website. Master this concept, and you are on your way to developing a loyal group of followers eager to learn more about you.

Twitter and blogs work together. Tweet (a twitter post) to get them interested in viewing your blog. Your blog address can be posted in your profile, as well as using an URL link in your tweet, directing them to the blog.

In today's society, time is at a premium. A series of well thought out, short and sweet tweets can actually help you maintain a loyal following. Blogs, at times, are lengthy, and people just don't have the time to do this on a regular basis.

Here are several strategies to keep you focused:

1. Keep continuity in your tweets. Think of each tweet as a headline, enticing your audience to click to read more.

2. Break your blog articles into a main point, tweeting only a major point.

3. Tweet about subjects important to your business, the How's, Why's and When's.

4. Ask questions at times, rather than posting statements. Get your audience to respond back to you with their thoughts and views.

5. Ask readers what they would like to see in your blog.

6. Put a poll or survey on your blog and ask your readers to vote through a tweet!

7. Tweet daily!!!

It's all about building a relationship and a business. Post useful information relevant to your business, and traffic will build over time. You will meet some great friends along the way.

Karen Brooks is an Ebay PowerSeller and Internet Marketer dedicated to helping people develop multiple streams of online income. You can subscribe to the newsletter to learn more strategies to help your business.